Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mini Coupon Workshop!

Hey everyone!

I have had several of you asking about out next workshop and it will be on Wed, July 28th at 6:30pm @ Flint River Baptist Church in Room 302. Just come in the front door and the room is on your right in the lobby. Simple enough! As always, this is a free event!

I will just be going over the "basics" to get you started at this workshop...not a lot of coupon fluff, just need to know type things. I will cover Publix, Kroger and maybe another store or two, plus the websites that I find most helpful and we will talk about which couponing strategy will work best for you?!

I hope you can make it! Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Monday, March 15, 2010

"Cheap" Date Night!!!

Join us on Friday, March 26th at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall of Flint River in Hazel Green for desserts and The Dyers!

Clay and Gwen Dyer (Mr. and Mrs. Cheap TN) are in their 30's, have 3 boys, are completely DEBT FREE and love to serve the Lord!! Most people say not to mix love and money. Well, they were meant to be mixed!! Come and be encouraged along your way to a cheaper 2010 as you hear about the Dyers' lifestyle and how they work together to save money and to plan for their families financial future!

Tickets are $5/couple or $2.50/individual

CHILDCARE is $5/WELL child! You must register your child with me by Tue. March 23rd.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Meeting 3/11 @ 6:30pm

We are having a meeting March 11, 2010 at Flint River Baptist Church in Meridianville in room 302 (when you come in the front door it is the room above the foyer to the right) at 6:30pm. We are going to go over several different things and talk about how we are all working to have a "Cheap" 2010! We will also be discussing our upcoming event on March 26th!! I think you will all be excited to see what our group has going on!! Hope to see you all there!

Friday, February 5, 2010


Hey everyone!!

I have not forgotten about this group! I know it has been almost 2 months since we have met. I had some personal health things going on Dec-Jan (which is why we didn't meet) but am back in the saddle now! I know that several of you have been asking me about meeting. I am currently working on getting a speaker to come for our first meeting of the year! I know everyone has budget/money things in their New Years Resolution so I am trying to make this first gathering very encouraging and fun!! I should know something for sure in the next week (hopefully!). The speaker that is suppose to be coming may have to be shipped off to Haiti so that is why it is not already scheduled! Just know that I am working on something great for you great gals!!!
Thank you for your support of this group!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Publix Penny Item Change

In case you didn't know, Publix has now changed their penny item day to Wed. instead of Sunday. I wasn't sure how this would work so I went there today to get all the "details". The Penny Item Coupon will still be in the ad that is in the Sundays paper. The coupon will be for the following Wed. only. The old way was two days, Sunday &/or Monday, the new version is one day only...Wed. The item today was Publix Tortilla Chips. I do not think the items are going to be any different, just the day.

We will be having a Cheap Chick$ Meeting soon. I am working on a day.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years!!!

***UPDATE*** I have seen on several other sites where they are saying that they coupon will be in the paper for that day so you would have to get Wed.'s paper to get the coupon. The customer service lady at the Winchester Rd. Publix today told me that it would be in the Sundays paper.

***OK, just talked to a manager at that store and they confirmed the Wed. paper policy. They said that you will have to BUY the Wed. paper to get the coupon :( and that they will be carrying the Wed paper in the store for purchase.....this suddenly is not sounding like so much of a "penny" item to me..What do you think??