Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Publix Penny Item Change

In case you didn't know, Publix has now changed their penny item day to Wed. instead of Sunday. I wasn't sure how this would work so I went there today to get all the "details". The Penny Item Coupon will still be in the ad that is in the Sundays paper. The coupon will be for the following Wed. only. The old way was two days, Sunday &/or Monday, the new version is one day only...Wed. The item today was Publix Tortilla Chips. I do not think the items are going to be any different, just the day.

We will be having a Cheap Chick$ Meeting soon. I am working on a day.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years!!!

***UPDATE*** I have seen on several other sites where they are saying that they coupon will be in the paper for that day so you would have to get Wed.'s paper to get the coupon. The customer service lady at the Winchester Rd. Publix today told me that it would be in the Sundays paper.

***OK, just talked to a manager at that store and they confirmed the Wed. paper policy. They said that you will have to BUY the Wed. paper to get the coupon :( and that they will be carrying the Wed paper in the store for purchase.....this suddenly is not sounding like so much of a "penny" item to me..What do you think??