Monday, March 15, 2010

"Cheap" Date Night!!!

Join us on Friday, March 26th at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall of Flint River in Hazel Green for desserts and The Dyers!

Clay and Gwen Dyer (Mr. and Mrs. Cheap TN) are in their 30's, have 3 boys, are completely DEBT FREE and love to serve the Lord!! Most people say not to mix love and money. Well, they were meant to be mixed!! Come and be encouraged along your way to a cheaper 2010 as you hear about the Dyers' lifestyle and how they work together to save money and to plan for their families financial future!

Tickets are $5/couple or $2.50/individual

CHILDCARE is $5/WELL child! You must register your child with me by Tue. March 23rd.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Meeting 3/11 @ 6:30pm

We are having a meeting March 11, 2010 at Flint River Baptist Church in Meridianville in room 302 (when you come in the front door it is the room above the foyer to the right) at 6:30pm. We are going to go over several different things and talk about how we are all working to have a "Cheap" 2010! We will also be discussing our upcoming event on March 26th!! I think you will all be excited to see what our group has going on!! Hope to see you all there!